Timeline Post by steve.davis
August 13, 2022Thank you to Jess Carson for creative songwriting! Great job!
Thank you to Jess Carson for creative songwriting! Great job!
Jess Carson is the best songwriter in years! Thanks for making music mean something!
Because of covid I’ve had to wait nearly 3 years to see midland, now it’s tomorrow, can’t wait.
I DO NOT even know what this song is about because I was so DISGUSTED at what I saw in this video. How dare you disrespect our Marines!!! SHAME ON YOU!!!
Bought tickets but no receipt. When do I get tickets it’s going to be a gift.
This guy is a wreak. He needs professional help. Story songs are Midland’s specialty.
I’ve been that woman. WE don’t NEED to be swept off our feet, we just need to be acknowledged as a living being.